Amnesty International – Bravery Punished campaign digest
This campaign digest was designed for Amnesty International, shedding light on the distressing decline of human rights in Southeast Asia over the past years. Amidst a backdrop of repressive laws aimed at stifling dissenting voices, the design delves into this urgent issue.
The cover captures the essence of the region, with a subtle portrayal of handcuffs encircling the map of South East Asia, while the shadow forms the silhouette of a face standing up for justice. A powerful visual metaphor that sets the tone for what lies within.
It showcases a series of profound case studies, presenting a comprehensive overview of the concerning situation. Each page tells the stories of those affected, illustrating the urgency of the cause. The adaptable design was also used on individual leaflets, offering an in-depth focus on specific case studies of those unjustly detained. 
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