Enforced Disappearance animation
South Asia bears witness to a tragic legacy of enforced disappearances, where individuals are held in secret detention, their whereabouts concealed for days, months, or even years. In countless instances, people have vanished without a trace, leaving families to endure the anguish of uncertainty for decades. This reprehensible practice, recognized as a violation of international law, persists globally as a sinister tactic employed by states to stifle dissent and sow fear.
In collaboration with Amnesty International, we crafted an animated narrative for social media and websites to highlight the plight of enforced disappearances and its profound impact on families. By employing illustrations, we aimed not to spotlight specific cases, but rather to portray the pervasive nature of this injustice. Through this medium, we sought to convey the emotional devastation inflicted when someone is forcibly torn from the fabric of their loved ones' lives, leaving behind a void of pain and sorrow. Yet, amidst the darkness, the animation concludes with a beacon of hope, urging viewers to unite in solidarity with those affected.
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