Shell Canada: Red Deer Mural
In the vibrant city of Red Deer, Alberta, a Shell station found itself with a captivating blank canvas longing to be transformed into something truly special. Embracing the richness of Red Deer's intriguing past and abundant outdoor wonders, it was an exceptional opportunity to celebrate and showcase the essence of this remarkable city. And so, the idea of creating an A-Z mural took shape, capturing the essence of Red Deer's history and the plethora of exciting outdoor activities it had to offer. 
The mural's design was thoughtfully curated to encapsulate the captivating journey through Red Deer's heritage, from A to Z. Each letter placed along the Red Deer River, unveiled a unique aspect of the city's history, traditions, and local treasures, showing onlookers its diverse tapestry. The mural was not merely a display of a beautiful illustration, it served as an engaging and educational art piece.
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