Black Deer Festival of Americana
Shell: Eco-marathon World Championship
Amnesty: North East Syria illustrations
Amnesty International: Torture Trade Treaty animation
Shell: Deer Park Mural
Amnesty Interntional: Enforced Disappearance
Catlin: Columbus, Character Design
FAO animation: Agrometeorological Services for Farmers
BNP Paribas: T2020 Animation
Amnesty International: Mining minerals for batteries
Lamp & Pencil Corporate ID
Babyinc Corporate ID
Elly: East London International Women's Health Charity
Amnesty International: Bravery Punished Campaign Digest
Shell's Charity of the year: llustration
Shell: Automated Car decals
Books for Hope: paper sculptures
Shell: Cyber Crime Infographics
Shell: Mural for Red Deer, Alberta, Canada